A dish rag made in Finland is a great way to bring joy and cheer to everyday life and cleaning day!
A tea towel is also a good substitute for a card or a small gift, and it will certainly be used.
It's also environmentally friendly! You can replace up to 20 rolls of paper towels with a dish towel.Environmentally friendly kitchen towels are made of cellulose fiber from FSC-certified forests and Indian waste cotton. The napkins are printed on a waterless printing line, with environmentally friendly colors.
After their long life cycle, the products can be disposed of as bio-waste, in which case new growth energy is generated from them.
The cheery and bursting coloring of the delightful print will make you happy!
Size 20 x 17 cm
Koko: 20 x 17 cm
Materiaali: norjalainen FSC-sertifioitu selluloosakuitu, joka myös jatkojalostetaan pohjoismaissa. Selluloosan osuus tuotteessa on 70 % ja sitä täydentää puuvillakuitu, joka ei ole enää kelvollista tekstiilituotantoon, vaan päätyisi kuormittamaan maapalloa jätteenä. Keittiöliinojen valmistusprosessissa se pystytään hyötykäyttämään. Materiaalin valmistus 100% luonnonkuituisena patentoitiin jo 1950-luvulla ja sitä valmistaa vain kaksi tehdasta Euroopassa. Valmistuksen apuaineena on merisuola, joka käytetään yhä uudelleen ja uudelleen.
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Siltapuistokatu 14, 28100 PoriThe customer always has a 14-day right of return in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act. Delivery time for orders may vary depending on the products. However, we always strive for the fastest possible delivery.
Orders are processed on weekdays as soon as possible (please note exceptions and delays caused by public holidays).
If the product according to your order is not available for one reason or another, we will notify you immediately by email, text message or phone.
Despite our careful operating methods and high-quality products, everything does not always go as planned. We are also prepared for these situations and will do our best to resolve the matter as quickly as possible. In the event of a complaint, please contact our customer service, the best way is to send an email to heidi@lempilifestyle.fi.
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040 164 57 98 WhatsApp
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